I started my career working with students with challenging behaviors (many of whom were on the autistic spectrum) which means I have been given significant training in ABA. I don't agree with their teaching methods - but that's not the point of this post. The piece of that training that has stayed with me, long after I have rejected the rest, is the data collection. I still dutifully take data on the accuracy and independence of everything my students do related to their IEP goals. I sum that data every week, adjust my instruction accordingly, and it is those numbers that I report in my progress notes. I feel an obligation to use them to show how the students are progressing to meet their year-end goals (which have a numeric accuracy and independence target.)
Massachusetts state alternative assessment requires that data collection, so I can't throw it out entirely. As part of those state alternative assessments, I have to include 2 student work samples for each area being assessed. The best feedback I get from parents on those portfolios are from what are called "teacher scribed worksheets" which usually look something like this:
Parent feedback also tells me that the most useful reports I give them about their child's progress are not those data-filled progress reports I write each quarter (I never hear a word about those) but the pictures and videos I send periodically of their child in action.
One of the biggest things I hear from parents is that they want to see what we do at school so they can carry it over to home because their child "won't do it for them." I am wondering what engagement and feedback would look like if my progress reports were made more out of pictures and the worksheets above and less out of the percentage filled paragraphs I am used to reporting?
There is an important stakeholder missing from the conversation here: the students. Under neither system are my students getting any meaningful feedback about their progress. (What they tend to get is far too much meaningless praise and platitudes: about their smile, their outfit, how cute they look, their chair, how good they look in their stander... things they have no control over.)
Last month, I introduced a digital portfolio in my classroom, to give my students some agency in the pictures, videos, and work that gets shared with their parents and to give me some feedback on what they value in their education. Our student driven schedules also give me feedback about their academic interests and motivations. Getting feedback is a challenge when students have very limited formal communication skills (as mine do.)
What isn't happening, and needs to, is a better way for me to give feedback to my students about their progress. I can do better than noting if they answered questions or used vocabulary accurately or not. I can do more than modeling correct answers and language use. It's not so straightforward when you can't sit down and have a conversation. I think rubrics might be a good place to start. Another idea is to use the same teacher scribed worksheet charts that parents value and re-scribe them with symbol supports as student feedback. I need something that is generic enough to be re-usable, (because it is impractical if not impossible to be creating new symbol supports to give feedback to each student on each lesson in real time) but specific enough to provide useful feedback.
I believe that feedback needs to augment not supplant my data collection. My data drives my instruction. I also need it to report to districts and the state. At this stage in the game, at least, I am not sure how feedback is more than putting a student/parent-accessible face on the data I am used to collecting. I think that is extremely important to be doing, and that I'm not doing it enough, but that by itself it is not sufficient to track progress. Maybe I will feed differently after I have been doing it for a while. I also need to figure out how to expand feedback beyond the accuracy and independence on IEP targets that I am used to tracking. I think I'm getting closer to more clearly defining my professional learning goal for next year....
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